Defiance by Stanley No. 895 Tool Chest

So today as I was browsing through the Facebook marketplace I stumbled upon a truly unique find and I wish I could
When I get bored my hands become the devils playground
So today as I was browsing through the Facebook marketplace I stumbled upon a truly unique find and I wish I could
Amongst the many things in my collection that need to be restored are several try and miter squares. The first of them
Took a few minutes to go ahead and restore a simple but incredibly useful little tool, the Defiance by Stanley 1299 Utility
This is one of two planes that break all the rules when trying to identify or even use the Defiance hand planes.
From about 1949 through to 1962 Stanley produced a secondary line of non-adjustable hand planes. Presumably these were geared towards those who
From about 1949 through to 1962 Stanley produced a secondary line of non-adjustable hand planes. Presumably these were geared towards those who
From about 1949 through to 1962 Stanley produced a secondary line of non-adjustable hand planes. Presumably these were geared towards those who
Just the other day I opened up a package containing the Defiance 1213 1/2, the magical mystical plane that is not mentioned
So you want to start collecting hand planes. Let me start by saying you don’t just collect one or two, it is
It’s been a while since I have done any sort of real restorations aside from cleaning up the occasional tools and I
As fate would have it I get 3 days off on a weekend no less, and day one we’re all sick so
So last year I was asked if I could make something, the answer of course was yes, but I had just no
I slipped down a rabbit hole this morning as I was enjoying my time in lockdown. I discovered a slew of pics
Models are available for sale, in order to keep things running smoothly with my return to work, I have opted to just
So I have been sitting here while my shoulder heals ( yeah yeah yeah, you’re sick of hearing about my damn shoulder
If you’ve been following me on Facebook and other forum boards, you’ll know that I am temporarily out of work at the
In a random bout of madness or clarity I set about on another scavenger hunt to find some more planes for my
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