So in keeping with the whole wood theme of my new environment I wanted to find some accessories to go on my desk to help keep things tidy and look good at the same time. I needed something…
So after a few dozen videos on YouTube I set about making the light which you’ve already seen ( fyi – I fixed it and put in the Edison style LED bulb ), and then created a simple headphone stand for my seriously outdated Turtle Beach headset which I use for all kinds of gaming, editing, etc.
All I did was find a shape on the net that looked easy enough to replicate and went about it. In this case I ended up laminating 3 pieces of 3/4″ Baltic Birch Plywood together and let it set up while I looked for something else to do. Once it was dry enough to work with I drew my pattern on the block and then went over to the bandsaw for some long drawn out cutting.
From there I hit it with the handheld belt sander and the bench mounted belt sander to get rid of the saw marks and clean up the edge profile and true things up.
Once that was all finished I took over to my router table and gave it spin to roundover the edges and make them look all perty in addition to bringing the layering of the plywood to the front a bit.
This is where it gets fun…. I don’t have a woodburner, laser engraver, or any other such mythical tool to make my life easier so what I did was hop on….. wait for it….. YouTube and watched some videos on printing my designs with an inkjet printer and getting it on the stand. I plan to make a few more of these so I’ll be making a video in the near future of the whole process and steps I took to get to this point:

I used some double sided tape to attach a foam pad on the underside so it wouldn’t scratch or scuff up the desk and that was that… not much to look at because it’s basically just a chunk of wood with some curves.
I waited a while then hit it with some Natural Watco’s Danish Oil and once that had soaked in and it was dry I shot it with some clear lacquer to seal it all up.
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