Dr. Squatch Soap Holder

After a long day in the shop I often come in covered head to toe in man-glitter and need a shower. No no no, really, it’s true. By far some of the best soaps I’ve ever purchased have come from the manly men who make the Doctor Squatch soap.

While I do shower quite frequently I can never seem to finish up a hole block of soap before the next one arrives. That being said I now have 3 blocks of soap residing on the edge of the shower and I’d really like to put them away neatly on a manly wooden soap holder. Enter the manly Dr. Squatch Soap Holder !!!

The smaller one was supposed to be for the wife and is a testament to how I can turn making a simple soap dish into a far more complicated and invariably slightly off creation.

But I digress, let’s get back to Dr. Squatch… check out the commercial here on YouTube and then go visit the site to start your manly journey into the shower with Dr. Squatch.