Fascinators Revisited

Catching up and preparing for the winter months where I will be able to work in the shop a LOT more I decided it prudent to dig up past pics up the fascinators I’ve made and sold over the past few years. These days it can be worn for any occasion, but mostly formal. The only purpose of a fascinator is hair decoration. The fascinator always sits at an angle on the head as if perching on top of the well-groomed hair and complementing the look of the hair. A cross between a hair accessory and a cocktail hat, a fascinator with veil is also quite common. The fascinator as we know it today is adopted in the London (Luton-based) millinery trade during the late 1970s and 80s. However, use of the word ‘fascinator’ has been used in previous centuries to describe a lacy headcovering similar to a shawl but much smaller and lighter. From V is for Vintage We’ve taken a liking to making these and sometimes go way over board with some of our creations. In addition to typical mini top hats, we also create mini pirate hats which are a huge hit at ren faires and conventions.