Yeah yeah yeah, I know, AGAIN ?!?!?
Well you see what had happened was…. the kittens destroyed my workshop. I’m dead serious about this, those little friggin’ cute as hell heathen bastards have turned my workshop into a deconstruction zone. So in their path of destruction was the rifle I was able to print. Now not only did they manage to destroy that, but somehow also vanished some of the parts so even if I wanted to I couldn’t put it back together… but wait, it gets better !!! So I 3D printed that rifle using a file I got off of Thingiverse that is no longer there… I mean Thingiverse is still there, but the person that had the file deleted all their stuff so it’s no longer available and for whatever reason I can not find that damned file anywhere on my computers !!!
So…. there you have the reason behind the re-revisit.
Now let me show you what I have done about it !!!

That’s right, not one or two, but 3 !!! 3 Stones… 3 Stones, 3 Crates…. whoops, got a bit carried away there…. that is correct though, all 3 types that I have identified thus far are now modeled and yes, I corrected the barrel on the type 2 shotgun looking one to more accurately represent what is seen in the Hell Bent episode….
Now to get them printed, cast up in resin, and figure out just what the heck I’m going to do with them….