Miniatures: Bones Blightfang

Something that’s been sitting on the shelf for a while was a miniature we picked up at a local hobby shop by Reaper Miniatures. I remember back in the day when Reaper cranked out some pretty crappy figs but over the years, they’ve gotten downright incredible in their work. Bones Blightfang however is the first miniature from them I’ve gotten made out of vinyl.  I wanted to get something of theirs to try out simply because I love minis and a dragon is just awesome no matter what it’s made of really. There was absolutely no cleanup needed on this figure even though I did see a couple on the rack that needed some very minor cleanup, still, I love it when I can just open up a package and get to assembly and painting. One thing about assembly, there were some slight gaps, these were easily filled up and a couple of them I didn’t even bother because they followed the contours of the body they blended right in. I used CA glue to assemble it, primed it with automotive primer and went to town. Since this was a mini more for my wife than me, I had to go with a predominately purple colour scheme. Based it out in black, drybrushed it with white, then hit it with another drybrushing of purple. The wings were done in a dark red then drybrushed with a dark glitter red. Neon green was used on the chest and the stones were done with Tamiya Canada Voodoo Grey. All in all the mini turned out great and once I get it clear coated it will be ready for her to add to a shelf somewhere in the house. I think I will definitely get some more of these minis, I think I saw a Kraken with a ship there so we’ll have to see what I grab the next time I’m in town.