So when your hot purple haired wife wants purple lights on the outside of the garage… she gets them. Happy wife, happy life !!!

The lights themselves came from Home Depot and were on an awesome clearance deal of $47.00, originally $49.00 ( insert sarcasm here ). Anywho, she loves them and the only thing we had to do was make them purple.
Enter the Krylon “No Hunter Purple” spray paint and now we have purple lights. Tomorrow I will take some of the wood we just scored at the Home Depot for free ( which makes up for the incredible clearance savings on the lights ) and make some plaques to mount them on the outside of the garage.
Painted purple and drying now…
I started by unpacking them and removing the screws and plastic pieces holding the glass in place, pulled the glass out and got to spraying as they set on a scrap piece of wood. Given the temperature that was it for the night as I know it’s going to take them all night and most of the morning to get to where I can handle them without messing up the paint.
The plaques are going to be Fleur De Lis which I will cut out with either the jigsaw or bandsaw, that will be determined tomorrow once I determine which design I want to go with. The plaque has to be large enough in the middle to allow the base of the light to sit on without any overhang which would look doofy.
So check back tomorrow night for an update if all goes well and I am able to get them finished and mounted on the outside of the garage. If all goes REALLY well there might be a third one added over the centre top of the garage !!!
UPDATED 11-2-19: As promised I was able to get out there this morning and get to work on finishing up the lights. The first thing I set about doing was making a template for the wooden plaque since I would need it to be able to replicated easily in the future because I’ll need at least 1 more of these.

After that I cut down some nice solid wood I had laying down and traced the template onto it then took them over to the bandsaw to cut out the corners.
Once I had the corners cut out on both of them I headed over to the new router table and using my smaller roundover bit I put a nice edge on both of them to make them all fancy and junk.

All that was left now was to drill a hole in them with a forstner bit so I could run the wires through them:

Then a quick coat of the “No Hunter Purple” paint and I was able to get them hung on the front of the garage with no issues.

We went with the little Phillips 60w LED “Candlelight” bulbs which give off a nice white light and make getting up and down the stairs of the porch much easier now in addition to being able to see on the front slab of the garage when I’m out there late at night.
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