So I’ve been on a miniatures kick as of late and lately I’ve been going through some of the sets I’ve purchased from the Raging Heroes Patreon which they’ve done away with and instead have their own system now. These sets are incredible and I’ll do some more reviews on them but right now I’m in the process of printing out the entire Kingdom of the Depths sets.
Here’s a link to go and sign up for their subscriptions… they’re no longer using Patreon but instead have designed their own system which works a lot better and lets you keep a library of your purchases:
The Kingdom of the Depths is a collection set in, you guessed it, the deep underwater work and features a whole selection of mermaids, sharks, soldiers, and two super huge pieces. The incredibly large kraken and Poseidon figures are absolute conversation starters and will require at least 2 days each to print on the Peopoly.
Each month Raging Heroes offers up a collection on Patreon. There’s a couple of levels you can get and for just a few dollars more than the low one, you can get the Overlord tier and get access to a lot more miniatures. From time to time they also offer you a way to go back and purchase past releases which is one reason I’m going to try and review all of the collections since I started with them last year. OH !!!! That reminds me, in addition they also offer rewards for like 3, 6, or 9 months and perhaps more. Think I’m paying $16.00 a month for the Overlord tier.
For the review, I can’t speak enough about the quality. They’re highly detailed and the give you the ability to essentially build an army each month along with matching terrain in most cases. In the Kingdom of the Depths collection there isn’t any scatter terrain or a center piece like some collections offer but the two immense models of Poseidon and the giant kraken more than make up for. This would be a good set for someone working on a Sea Elf army for Warhammer or individually the minis would be at home in and underwater game setting. There are a couple of groupings in this set that offer some nice “grunt” soldiers and they kick major arse in the detail department.
Perhaps the very best of this for me is this littler gem right here:

When I saw they were offering this in the set I was all kinds of giddy because I love whimsical things like. Now I have a way to represent a bull shark and have fun doing it.
But in the pic above, is a good example of the quality. Each miniature also has its own base, and there’s usually a collection of matching bases included with each set, in this case they say 31+ decorated bases. Again, this one lacks a few things in most of the other sets but it does not disappoint. Cool thing is, you can also print these bases out for other miniatures. I’ve found a few sea-creatures on Thingiverse that fit right in with this collection and the quality of them is good enough to stand side by side, so there’s another option for expanding the size of your army.
You also get the option of downloading three different versions of each miniature. There is the entire collection you can download in either unsupported, supported, or Lychee supported. This gives you a lot of leeway in what you want to do or if you are skilled enough to support the models “your way”. I get the best results using the presupported minis. So here’s a look of the collection I’m working on at this very moment and once I get things printed out and painted I’ll post pics of course. Fair warning there are a LOT of pictures to look at.

All images remain the intellectual property of Raging Heroes and Heroes Unlimited and I am sharing them here as part of a review.