So before I made a post about how I was learning Blender to be able to make better 3D models and of course some nipplehead had to start flapping their lips about how I said I was using Blender in the beginning to make models and now thinks I’m lying because of that post… first off, let me be clear, I don’t really give a rat’s ass about what you think.
When I said I was learning Blender, I should have clarified that I am starting to learn how to use add-ons, something I never messed with before and especially never any paid add-ons and there’s a term for that, it’s called “Vanilla Blender”. That being said the two main ones I have been working on have been HardOps and Boxcutter which will allow me to make even better models like these below that I just grabbed off the net to show what some people have done with these add-ons that big one at the bottom was my first tutorial with them and I think it went pretty well and I was even able to add my logo to the model lol… I was able to start work on something for Team Yankee… care to guess what it is ???