Looks like a lot of research doesn’t it ??? As it should be, especially when building 3D models of actual real world vehicles for use in historic gaming like Team Yankee, Flames of War, and many many more.
That being said, I’m going to share my little library of pics and blueprints I’ve collected for a project I am working on now, the Ural 4320. Now when it comes to a hardy vehicle with a lot of potential, the 4320 definitely gets a hats off nod. For decades now this beast of a 6×6 truck has served a lot of factions and continues to do so. Here’s a sneak peek of what I’ve got so far with the 4320 as a base.

So looking at the picture from left to right we have the ZPU-2 on the bed, There’s the “Broom” which features part of an APC with an aircraft missile launcher for good measure, then there’s the command and control vehicle, plain Jane troop transport, tanker, just a 4320 with wooden slats on the sides, a bridge layer, and then the base model I start all these from on the far right… and I’ve still got about 4 or 5 more to make with this chassis before I am finished with it.
So now that you see what I’m whipping up, here’s a collection of images I’ve been referencing. It’s not all of them because several I just use right online and forget to download them.

There’s model kits, actual real world pics, advertisements for 3D models, game pieces, etc.. I really try to get a good look all the way around if I can and there’s a few sites out there that I can’t think of their name offhand, however, they specialize in walk around picture sets of a specific vehicle so you can really put some serious detail into a build if you want. Now clearly some of the pieces for these such as that Radar P-10 won’t print well because of all the itsy bitsy little pieces ( hence the photo-etched ad ).
I previously shared how to model something in Blender, following those tutorials I posted, damn near anyone can download Blender for free, find some scale blueprints, and get to creating their own models in no time. I’m learning a lot more about Blender and will be getting some add-ons to the program to make even better stuff in a lot less time it appears. Being able to use a mirror function, bevels and more to just give an idea.
So yeah, figured I would share what I am up to at this very moment in the time space continuum. It’s been a long time, didn’t get off work until 1 this morning so I am going to stretch out for a bit before going out to play with the horses. Enjoy and hey….. GO MAKE SOMETHING !!!