I’m going to spare everyone a long drawn out review and just start off by saying DON’T.
For the $20.00 US I spent on this there’s a lot of other name brands I could have purchased for only a few dollars more that I know are good resins. I went with this because as many of you know I’m always looking for a good deal, this did not turn out to be one of them.
The resin comes out of the bottle like milk and is smooth like you would expect, it comes off the print bed a nice milky white but the minute you hit it with the UV light it turns peach. And oh does it become brittle, I’m not talking brittle as in you can flex it a little and it might snap, I’m talking you look over at it and it snaps. DEFINITELY NOT good for miniatures with thin pieces that are already prone to breaking off.
In short, just don’t folks, this is not the best resin, it’s cheap, it has a lot of issues and it did take several tries to even get a decent print with it despite trying their settings they suggest for the MARS printers.