TY 3D Printing Red Dawn – SPOILERS

Taking a little break from the restorations and builds in the shop I decided this morning to go ahead and knock out the 3D printing guide for the Team Yankee: Red Dawn expansion. I can’t tell you how excited I am to get this, it’s been something the game needs and it’s going to shake things up some as now we have the United States to use a playground.

Let’s kick this off with some official links from Battlefront:

At the moment the release for Red Dawn is scheduled for December 3rd 2022, this gives us a unique opportunity to take all of the images, links, and stuff to be able to literally drop a Red Dawn army on the table right when the game drops.

Team Yank Pre-orders for Red Dawn: https://www.team-yankee.com/Default.aspx?tabid=867&art_id=7598

So on that page I linked to above there are a LOT of images of the new stuff being added to the game including the book which in my eyes rocks… So let’s look at what’s coming out.

So this is following the movie “Red Dawn” in which the United States gets invaded by Russia so this is a major game changer and there are some rules that really spice things up like the Milita being able to pop an ambush INSIDE YOUR DEPLOYMENT ZONE !!! I’m calling shenanigans on that one and you know it’s going to be used so now you have to pick a unit to stay back to protect your assets from the Militia. This is actually something based on the movie and is shown when one of kids is running away from some Russians and lures them into a trap as the rest of the kids literally pop out of the ground and light the Russians up. So yeah, you can already here people whining lol.

Alright, so we get a new rulebook that includes the VDV which are the cream of the crop for the Russians, for them you can download my VDV 3D models below and we’ll get the rest of the models we know about linked up below but before we get into that let’s look at the timeline for releases covering December 2022 and January 2023:

December 3rd Releases 
Product CodeProduct Name 
WW3-07World War III: Red Dawn (80p A4 HB) 
TSUAB05BMD Air Assault Battalion 
WW3-07URed Dawn Unit Cards (49x Cards) 
TTK25Soviet VDV Gaming Set (20x Tokens, 2x Objectives, 16x Dice) 
WW3-07AAir Landing “Terrain Pack” 
TOURN022022 World War III: Team Yankee Challenge Tournament
December 17th Releases
Product CodeProduct Name 
TSBX30T-64BV Tank Company (x5 Plastic) 
TSBX31 BMD Company (x5 Plastic) 
TSU712 Air Assault Platoon (x25 Figs) 
TSU716Air Assault Heavy Weapons (x36 Figs)
January 7th Releases (Direct Only) 
Product CodeProduct Name 
TSO31 Hip Transport Helicopter (x1) (Direct Only) 
TSO32 FROG-7 Launcher (x1) (Direct Only) 
TSO33Cuban AGS-17 Grenade Launcher Team (x6 figs) (Direct Only) 
 TUSO16 Chinook Transport Helicopter (x1) (Direct Only) 
TUSO17Sea Knight Transport Helicopter (x1) (Direct Only) 
TUSO18Sea Stallion Transport Helicopter (x1) (Direct Only)
January 14th Releases
Product CodeProduct Name 
TUS712“Wolverines” Armed Militia (x27 Figs) 
TUS713Pickup Trucks (x4) 
TSBX32BTR-D Platoon (x3) 
TSBX332S9 Nona-S SP Gun-Mortar Battery (x3) 
TSBX34ASU-85 Assault Gun Company (x5) 

So as you can see from the releases, shit is gonna get real. So let’s follow the release dates and see what we can get printed up before the release of the game. Like I said, we have the opportunity to drop an army as soon as we get our grubby little hands on the rules.

Okay so that takes care of the Soviets and Cubans, many of the models linked above you have to pay for but with the exception of the infantry, the models are VERY cost effective to buy and print. Everything you need for the Cubans is conveniently in one zip files so just download it once and you’ll get everything you need vehicle wise. This gives you options as well, like in the case of the CH-53 Sea Stallion there’s like 3 different links so you don’t have to use what Mikey has. As I mentioned above, in the movie they used “Hind A’s” and I say that because the helicopters were actually Pumas dressed up to look like Hind A’s. Anyhow, you can download them and print them to use, it’s just something different.

The Americans get the technicals and these are just trucks with an M-60 mounted on the roof. I will probably be making this in several different styles, again just to make things look interesting. I honestly hate looking on a gaming table and all of the armies look the same or incredibly similar and there’s no variation. BE UNIQUE, research paint and colour schemes or make up your own.


If anything changes I will post things here so we can stay on top of this release. I will also be making objective pieces such as the McComrade and the Pickup with the hood lifted and the kid peeing into the radiator.

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