So I created a monster and got my wife a hobby she likes, jewelry. Now we have jewelry hanging all over the place… quite literally. So to help her organize it all and to help her when she gets into a shop to display it I came up with the idea to make a display using some of the discarded racks I picked up from work.
It’s really amazing how wasteful businesses are because these racks get thrown out all the time and there’s nothing wrong with them other than we have no use for them at the store anymore. Normally I evaluate whether or not I can use them for anything and if I think I can repurpose them, they come home with me, as is the case with the parts that made this rack.
Now in this video something weird happened we can’t explain. My intro and several minutes of footage simply vanished. What’s missing is the intro as I said, me cutting the pegboard on the table saw and spray painting the rack.
What makes it odd is that while I am in the back of the shop, it appears the camera is shaking and this is when the footage goes missing. Nobody else was in the shop and I was on the other side of the shop so it couldn’t have been bumped, but you can clearly see it shaking… so weird.
But yeah… if you’re ever wanting to find some racks or displays, go hit up your local convenience store and see if they have any displays they’re tossing out or might be tossing out soon. You may have to wait a few months but just ask for them and if you’re nice and they’re nice, you might just get them…. unless it’s my store in which case they’re already spoken for lol.
Anyhow, enjoy what I have there, this is the Aftermath Edition as I spent time and cleaned up the outside after Hurricane Sally so it’s all nice and perty out there.