So as the resin printers quietly do their work for the Imperial Guard and other assorted models for people… I took the opportunity each night to work on a large project. This is the S300-V Missile Complex which is made up of several launcher and radar vehicles to create an almost impenetrable No-Fly zone for aircraft and missiles.
Not even going to lie, this has been a major pain in my butt because I want it to look good but then I run into the problem of just how much mayonnaise to put on the sandwich before it becomes to much or once set to scale can’t even be seen. So far I think it’s going okay, problably won’t be able to print these for a week or two which is fine because I still have at least two other vehicles to complete; one is a command vehicle and the other is another radar vehicle.

Once I have all of them completed and I get some test prints done I’ll make them available for sale on Cults3D and Wargaming3D.