New 3D models for sale on Wargaming3D

As we draw closer to the end of the month and also my birthday, I wanted to take a minute to update ya’ll on the models I currently have available for purchase over on Wargaming3D. These are not prints, they are models for you to print. So without further gilding the lily, here we go:

Not all models will make the cut, some of them end up having parts that are just too small to print or that would require a lot more experience than your average Joe to get to print right. So for now, the majority of the models pictures below are actually available now and you can get to them following the links above. I will add more as time allows, currently the Ural 4320 variants are my focus.

I am also in the process of printing, painting, and adding the images along with the promo’s of the models to the site(s) so you can see how they look all dressed up for the ball. Many of the models I paint up are actually failed prints that only took a little work to correct, so just because you can’t quite get it to print 100% right, there’s still hope.

What’s coming up in the very near future ??? Well if you look at the pics above you can get an idea of what’s churning in my head. Some of these were models I made for others, but I’m seriously leaning towards the technicals and field modified vehicles at the moment. I want to make stuff that there’s not a lot out there of if that makes sense. If there’s 20 models of a T-72 available, then the chances are pretty good that I will pass on even making the model and if I do decide to do it, there will be a LOT of differences from the other models and include a lot more fiddly parts as was the case with the Mi-8/17 Hip.

So enjoy, thank your for your purchases if you make any, and remember, have fun and make something !!!

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