After finally getting around to printing and now painting the original Xenon model I noticed that there were some issues that needed to be fixed. The biggest issue was with the right wing, some of the blades weren’t positioned right and went into places they shouldn’t have. Another issue was the right hand, her fingers going into her face. So I reloaded everything and corrected these issues and will be uploading the new file after work tonight. Along with that I now have several pictures for reference that will be linked from Thingiverse and Cults to here for reference so you can get an idea of how things can be painted.
Links to get the Xenon 2.0 Model:
Here’s a couple shots of the model with no colours and wireframe:
As you can see, she’s got a lot going on which is why I figured it would be a good idea to drop some reference pics to help you get an idea of how she can be painted.
Once I have finished work on mine I will post some pics of it. The print wasn’t the best, mistakes were made but it’s ok and it will look good on the shelf and give me some practice working with the larger models.